Thursday, December 11, 2014

Spreading Happiness

Hey Sweet Girls!

We've talked a lot through the last couple posts about spreading happiness and positivity. For this week's post, I wanted to direct you all to another blog. This blog, seize happiness ubiquitously, is written by a fellow classmate of mine. Each week, Kristi asks her readers the question, "How will you spread happiness this week?". She talks about different ways to spread and see happiness, all through stories from time she spent in the beautiful country of Zambia.

So I urge you all to read Kristi's blog and discover a thing or two about spreading happiness in life. I guarantee you'll feel happier after reading it (and the bright yellow background will help to brighten your mood too!)

Until next time,

Monday, December 8, 2014

Hi, My Name is C- ...

Hey Sweet Girls!

My first semester of college is officially coming to a close! I've learned a lot this semester, some of which I've already shared with you. Today I want to share another little tidbit with you that one of my professor's always said to us. This saying (which is SO fitting for the fact that it's finals week and I've been studying for approximately six hours straight) goes like this:

"You are worth so much more than your exam scores"

This started as something silly that my Anthropology professor would say to us when we were all freaking out about an upcoming test (or freaking out about an unsatisfactory test grade). Although it started as something silly she would say to calm us down, I've realized that it actually holds a lot of truth to it.

A few weeks ago, in my post "Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously", I mentioned that you should take certain aspects in your life seriously, like your studies, work, etc, but not to take little hiccups seriously. While this is still true, and you should definitely take your studies seriously, you should not let it define you.

You see, it's okay if you get a bad grade sometimes. So what if you got one bad grade on a test? And who cares if you lost a few points on your research paper? I hate to break it to you, but as a human being, you are not always going to be perfect. You're going to mess up sometimes, and that is something that (at some point in your life) you have to learn to be okay with.

Trust me, I'm a perfectionist. I know this task isn't easy. But if you can learn to shake it off when you get a bad grade occasionally, it will be so much easier to get back up and try again. As long as you are always putting your best foot forward and trying your hardest, you will do great things. Don't let one hard test, one negative comment, or one bad grade be the thing that defines who you are and what you are capable of. Always remember, that who you are is so much more than a letter grade!

Until next time,